Zeniq – According to statements made on the website of the provider https://zeniq.com/, the online broker is a service provider for online trading that offers its customers various services. Accordingly, Zeniq takes care of high chances of profit.
If you have invested capital with the provider Zeniq and now have problems with the payout, our lawyers can help you nationwide.
Zeniq – How should the online broker be rated?
Currently, there is an extremely high number of providers such as Zeniq. As a result, investing in the unpredictable financial markets has never been as easy but also risky as it is today.
Precisely because there are numerous opportunities, choosing a financial service provider can be time-consuming and frustrating. Especially if you want them to meet your investment needs.
Are you considering investing with Zeniq? In this case, the following points are relevant for you as an investor.
- Access to the world’s stock exchanges becomes more practical and lucrative for investors through online investing.
- In online trading, one can use a wide range of order types.
- An ideal place to start for money investors who want to learn about securities, futures, binary options and cryptocurrencies is a website like this one.
- Licensed brokers on the internet, reputable internet sites, fees and bonuses, offer options and feedback from customers are just selected criteria that you would need to consider when making your final choice.
The following information is general advice for investors – regardless of the platform in which you invest capital.
Is the financial services provider Zeniq licensed?
Both financial markets and investor protection benefit from codes of conduct and organisational responsibilities. Equity service providers and companies like Zeniq have to comply with a number of regulations. The same applies to their employees. This objective is to avoid conflicts and associated disadvantages for financial investors.
This includes the responsibility of the company to inform its clients about the key features of a securities transaction before it is concluded. This applies to the respective investor as well as to the investment itself. According to this idea, more extensive disclosures are indispensable for corporate clients who wish to engage in highly speculative or risky transactions.
To their corporate clients, firms such as Zeniq have a responsibility. This goes significantly beyond the provision of an offer or service.
Is the service provider licensed to sell investment products? You should definitely check this. In this context, you can consult the broker check database of a financial supervisory authority and enter the name of the service provider in the search field.
Unsolicited telephone calls from the service provider Zeniq?
Have you ever received a call from someone you don’t know making you an offer? Do not answer under any circumstances.
Unsolicited calls are not allowed. “Cold calling is expressly prohibited by investment service providers and similar companies such as Zeniq.
There are also groups that pretend to work for reputable online trading platforms. In this way, they want to get people to entrust them with their personal information. Often, after your very first deposit, you are asked to deposit more funds.
Phone scammers are always coming up with new ways to rob investors of their savings, cash and other valuables. A common tactic used by the lawbreakers is to call the people they want to harm at inconvenient times of the day. This is, for example, very early at dawn or very late at night. Times, in other words, when they are most vulnerable.
In addition, the criminals pretend at the beginning of the conversation that they and the person being called know each other. The other possibility is to pretend that the callers are customer-friendly. In this way, the perpetrators convey a feeling of goodwill and trust to the person they are communicating with on the phone. Verify that you are truly dealing with the Zeniq company when they call you.
Protect yourself from monetary losses through the Ponzi scheme
A pyramid scheme, or Ponzi scheme, is a type of capital fraud. In it, capital is pooled from new money investors and then used to distribute capital to the original aggrieved persons.
The organisers of Ponzi schemes usually assure you that they will invest your money and make huge profits without putting your money at risk. Regardless of all this, the criminals in many Ponzi schemes do not actually invest the assets they receive.
Rather, it is used to pay off people who have previously paid in. In this way, the perpetrators can keep part of the assets for themselves. So pay attention to the risk-reward ratio in all investments – including Zeniq.
Ponzi schemes need a steady inflow of new money to keep running, as they have little or no real income. Many of these structures fail when it becomes arduous to attract new investors or when a significant number of investors drop out.
If you want to invest with a service provider like Zeniq, you should always act with caution.
Signs you should look out for include:
- Selling without a licence: investment professionals and firms must be licensed or registered under federal and state securities regulations. The vast majority of Ponzi schemes involve unlicensed individuals or providers.
- Is there a problem with the documentation? If there are errors on your bank statement, it may be a signal that your money is not being invested properly.
- Investments that are not registered with financial regulators. In most cases, Ponzi schemes are unregistered investments that are not controlled by official authorities such as Bafin.
- Risk-free profits with minimal or no volatility. Every deposit involves a certain amount of risk, and the riskier an investment is, the more likely it is to yield a high return.
- The payment of returns does not work? If you are not receiving payments or are finding it difficult to cash out, you should be wary. Ponzi scheme operators are likely to try to persuade participants to stay by promising even higher profits if they don’t withdraw money.
- Overly predictable outcomes. Over time, financial investments tend to rise and fall. Any investment that consistently delivers good returns detached from market conditions should be viewed with a high degree of disbelief.
- Strategies that are difficult to identify. Keep your money out of the stock market unless you know enough about it.
How can you recognise serious cyber trading?
Conventional investment fraud is carried out using well-known methods such as advertising, unsolicited telephone calls or stock market letters.
When it comes to conducting fraud, the outdated approach is quickly becoming obsolete in the digital age. The new type of financial fraud can be described with the term “cybertrading”. Financial products are traded here with dishonest intent via the Internet.
Fraudulent financial investments include investment products such as contracts for difference and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin & Co. Even Zeniq’s services have been used by other service providers in a similar way to hoodwink investors.
Investors are increasingly enquiring about investment opportunities on the web themselves. Thus, people rely on their own know-how or on the information of others in weblogs, forums and other online platforms when making their decision.
The transition to ever new financial products does not have a lasting impact on the illegal activities related to the organisational structure. Since criminal crime rings rely on already existing and widely accepted infrastructures, there is no need to adapt to a new “business model”. No matter which financial product is traded, the process of cybertrading is largely congruent.
These financial instruments are aggressively advertised in social media or with affiliate marketing. Here, the focus is almost exclusively on the illustration of ludicrously high returns. Determine the probability of making high profits with Zeniq before investing money.
Duty to inform about costs and commissions
Before investing with Zeniq, find out how much of your investment amount goes to cover costs such as fees and commissions. This is a good time to fully check the information provided by service providers!
Investors must be made aware of all fees charged and their impact on the profit margin of financial service providers. In addition, the costs must be presented individually.
If you ask for a breakdown of all costs, providers are obliged to give you this info.
A service provider like Zeniq is usually interested in as many trading transactions as possible for understandable reasons. In quite a few cases, the fees are so high that it is difficult to make a profit. The fees can even devour the invested assets in a short time.
Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the costs! The broker’s trading fees must be available to everyone. The clarity of the structure of the costs is also specified in the official requirements and regulations.
If there is a violation, the provider’s regulatory approval can be withdrawn.
What to do in case of losses with Zeniq?
Investors who have lost capital with a company such as Zeniq, or who have difficulties in having their profits paid out, should first of all stop additional payments. It is then advisable to seek legal advice on any chances of recovering your investment.
It is important:
- seek legal assistance
- react quickly
- do not bury your head in the sand
Would you like to talk to us about Zeniq? Then our lawyers are ready to provide you with information.
Feel free to contact us to discuss Zeniq.