Eurotrade Invest Group – The online broker is, according to information available on the company’s website, a provider of online trading where clients can take advantage of various services. Accordingly, Eurotrade Invest Group takes care of trading in forex, indices, commodities, shares and currencies.

If you have invested capital with the online broker Eurotrade Invest Group and are now experiencing difficulties with your payout, our lawyers can advise you throughout the German-speaking area.

Eurotrade Invest Group – Broker reviews

Currently there is an extraordinarily high number of providers such as Eurotrade Invest Group. As a result, investing in the volatile financial markets has never been as easy but also as uncertain as it is today. Especially because there are several opportunities, choosing a financial service provider can be time-consuming and challenging. Especially if it is to suit your particular investment needs.

Have you already invested with Eurotrade Invest Group? In this case, the following aspects are relevant for you as an investor.

  • Access to the world’s stock exchanges is becoming easier and more lucrative for investors through online investing.
  • When it comes to trading on the web, a wide range of order types can be used.
  • Federally regulated online brokers, secure websites, costs and commissions, product options and feedback from clients are just some of the points you would need to consider when making your final choice.

The following tips are general tips for investors – regardless of the platform you invest in.

Is the service provider Eurotrade Invest Group licensed?

Both the financial markets and investor protection benefit from rules of conduct and organisational responsibilities. Equity service providers and companies like Eurotrade Invest Group have to comply with a number of standards of conduct. The same applies to their employees. This is to prevent conflicts and associated disadvantages for capital investors.

This includes the obligation of the company to inform its own corporate clients about the most important features of a bond transaction before it is concluded. This applies both to the individual investor and to the investment itself. According to this idea, supplementary information is mandatory for corporate clients who want to engage in highly speculative or risky transactions.

Companies such as Eurotrade Invest Group have a responsibility towards their clients. This goes far beyond making an offer or service available. Does the service provider have an authorisation to distribute financial products? You should definitely find this out. In this context, you can consult the broker check data collection of a financial supervisory authority and enter the name of the financial service provider in the search function.

Trial investment as a method of recruitment also conceivable with Eurotrade Invest Group?

Does Eurotrade Invest Group tempt you to try out investments with a smaller sum? You cannot find any data about the company because it is supposedly a new company with interesting business ideas? The probability is high that the investment tip is a scam. After a very short time, the broker will tell you that your investment was a huge success and encourage you to increase your investment.

The success of your trial investment may tempt you to make further investments. Here are some examples of dubious investment tips: “Would you like to convert €1000 into €250,00.00?” , “5-star share with a dividend of 47.88 %” , “Give us just 5 minutes of your lifetime and become a billionaire” Anyone who guarantees too much, and does so unsolicited, is rarely trustworthy!

Nevertheless, also check which promises and offers are made to you by the service provider Eurotrade Invest Group.

Reliable financial service providers always stick to your order

Placing orders for securities transactions without the account holder’s consent can, in individual cases, lead to a sudden rise in the price of particular shares. This applies in particular to open market transactions in illiquid foreign securities (over-the-counter market).

Therefore, remain cautious if you are instructed to disclose personal data about the capital investment with Eurotrade Invest Group completely without your consent, with reference to apparently rewarding transactions or profit announcements. Under no circumstances should you transmit your International Bank Account Number, Business Identifier Code and other bank codes to someone you do not know.

Nor should you disclose your account or deposit numbers or passwords. Do not give custody account documents or securities statements from Eurotrade Invest Group to anyone you do not know. Callers who present themselves as investment advisors, brokers or employees of a financial supervisory authority are also unpredictable.

Contact and procedure with dubious online trading platforms

A variety of investment goods exist on dubious provider websites, which are persistently advertised in internet forums and social media to lure investors. In addition, “multi-level marketing” is used to solicit new investors. The advertising primarily emphasises the guarantee of quick profitability. In order to start investing, a potential buyer must first create an account with the trading platform – such as Eurotrade Invest Group.

Next, the perpetrators contact the investor via a call centre and try to convince him to pay large sums of money. The investors’ positive attitude towards cybertrading is partly reinforced by the idea of future profits. Buyers are more willing to invest in the future if they see exactly the kind of results they dream of. At this point, investors are deceived by a manipulated trading algorithm regarding the true evolution of stock market data and prices.

Eurotrade Invest Group does not necessarily belong to this category. The wire-pullers use their own unilaterally defined price values when calculating returns. This means that the trading provider has complete control over whether a profit is made or not. Until the alleged returns are paid out, this scam continues. When the time comes for the payout, the buyers suddenly no longer have access to their accounts and the direct contacts associated with them.

The majority of investors lose all their assets invested in such illegal trading, forcing them to contact legal counsel.

Non-transparent exit alternatives

Make sure you know when and how much money will be paid out. It is best to bypass longer-term contracts that cannot be cancelled early or where you would experience significant monetary losses. Only conclude longer-term contracts without the possibility of early termination with providers such as Eurotrade Invest Group, whose seriousness you have no doubts about.

Even if you have the possibility to renounce a contract at any time or to terminate it over a certain period of time, you should be sceptical. Even if these options do exist, you are still vulnerable to economic damage. Make sure you know exactly how much money you will get back if the investment goes wrong. For share transactions, the provision below counts: Before the end of the term, find out what options are available to you to get rid of share certificates.

It is often crucial to find out whether there is a liquid market for products such as those offered by Eurotrade Invest Group. It is possible to sell shares through a broker or a financial institution. All 3 options are legitimate for placing a sell order. The actual selling process is then carried out via a securities exchange (e.g. Berlin, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Tradegate or Xetra) (e.g. for penny stocks). Order supplements can be used to direct the execution of the order from the outset.

The sale of the share certificates takes place at a time and place determined by you.

Reimbursement from Eurotrade Invest Group – call in a lawyer

If you have already made investments with Eurotrade Invest Group and would now like to reclaim them, there are several approaches.

  1. If payments have been made to foreign accounts, the foreign tax authorities and banking institutions can also be notified in this case. They will then usually initiate additional investigations of their own. This, too, is aimed at seizing sums of money in the accounts and subsequently returning them to our clients.
  2. Often, a solution to the problem can be agreed directly with the service provider. Our law firm repeatedly succeeds in concluding out-of-court settlements with the service providers. Our clients then recover their full investment or a share of it.
  3. As soon as no solution can be reached with the platform operator, there is the option of filing a complaint with the responsible tax authority. The latter examines the facts and can order the investment service provider to pay a refund. Our client then receives this amount back from the provider. Contact points for complaints can be, for example, financial supervisory authorities or financial ombudsmen.
  4. If there is a suspicion that the bank accounts to which our clients have transferred money are part of a money laundering scheme, it is possible to have these bank accounts blocked. Payments to these bank accounts can then be reclaimed from the receiving bank.
  5. If an assessment by our lawyers would come to the conclusion that the service provider may have acted dishonestly, we file criminal charges with the competent authorities on behalf of our clients. The Herfurtner law firm is in constant contact with public prosecutors’ offices that conduct nationwide investigations. As a rule, there are hundreds or even thousands of aggrieved investors in these criminal proceedings. The investigations repeatedly extend to foreign countries as well. In the past, there have repeatedly been decisive investigative successes by the public prosecutors’ offices.