Q SFZR – On its website https://qsfzr-coin.com/app/#/, the online broker claims to be a financial service provider active in the field of online trading. Accordingly, investors can invest in cryptocurrencies.

You have invested with Q SFZR and want your money back? The Herfurtner law firm can help you with obstacles.

Q SFZR – customer-oriented online broker?

At present, there is an enormous number of investment service providers such as Q SFZR. As a result, investing in the unpredictable financial markets has never been as easy but also as risky as it is today. Especially because there are many options, choosing a provider can be time-consuming and daunting. Especially if it is to meet your personal investment needs. Are you considering investing with Q SFZR? Then the following points are important for you as an investor.

  • An ideal address for investors who want to learn about shares, futures, binary options and cryptocurrencies is a website like this one.
  • State-licensed online brokers, secure portals, fees and bonuses, product options and feedback from clients are just selected features you would need to consider when making your final decision.
  • Access to cross-border financial markets is becoming more convenient and versatile for investors through online investing.

The following statements are general tips for investors – regardless of the platform in which you invest money.

Does Q SFZR have an official licence? You need to pay attention to this

Both financial markets and investor protection benefit from codes of conduct and organisational responsibilities. Bond service companies and providers such as Q SFZR must comply with a set of standards of conduct. The same applies to their employees. This requirement is intended to avoid conflicts and the associated disadvantages for capital investors. This includes the obligation of the service provider to inform its corporate clients about the most essential features of the transaction before sealing it.

This applies both to the respective investor and to the investment itself. In line with this idea, further facts are needed for corporate clients who want to engage in highly speculative or risky transactions. Providers such as Q SFZR have a duty of care towards their corporate clients. This goes far beyond the provision of a product or service. Does the provider have an authorisation to sell financial products? You should be sure to find out.

To do this, you can use the broker check data collection of a financial supervisory authority and type the brand name of the financial service provider into the search mask.

Contacting via phone call – What is your experience with Q SFZR?

Have you ever received a phone call from a stranger making you an offer? Never answer. Unsolicited calls are not allowed. “Cold calling” is clearly not allowed with investment service providers and similar firms such as Q SFZR. There are also people who claim to work for trusted online trading platforms. This is their way of getting people to provide them with their personal data. With all regularity, after your very first deposit, you are instructed to deposit more assets.

Phone scammers are always coming up with new methods to rob investors of their savings, cash and other valuables. One commonly known method used by scammers is to call the people they want to harm at inconvenient times of the day. This is, for example, very early in the morning or very late at night. Times, in other words, when they are least concentrated. In addition, the criminals pretend at the beginning of the conversation that they and the person being called are known to each other.

The other method works as if the callers are nice and polite. In this way, the perpetrators give the person they are talking to on the phone a feeling of goodwill and trust. Check whether you are really dealing with the company Q SFZR when they contact you by phone.

Investing in the grey capital market? Advice to protect yourself

Only a small proportion of financial market participants such as Q SFZR are subject to official regulation and supervision. In the grey capital market, providers operate who do not need the approval of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority and only have to fulfil a few regulatory criteria. Only make an investment in the grey capital market if you are convinced of the solvency of the provider and it is known to you as a company.

As already mentioned, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority has no control over these financial service providers. The grey capital market holds a variety of possibilities. There are:

  • Profit participation rights and other hybrid bond forms
  • Loans with subordination clauses
  • Ordinary bonds
  • Equity investments
  • Crowdfunding offers
  • Direct investments such as in timber, precious metals or other commodities

One thing is certain: it is unclear what the end result will be for the investor. Is it not easy for you to get an overview of the advertised product? In this case, you should find out as much information as possible before making a decision. Don’t buy anything you don’t fully understand! When it comes to investments, the more experience you need, the more complicated the product.

It is also not recommended to put all your capital on one card. Diversify your risk beyond Q SFZR. To avoid being swayed to your disadvantage, it is recommended to always focus on the product itself rather than the brand name or the presentation of the financial service.

Characteristics of trustworthy online platforms

On dubious provider websites, there is a variety of investment goods which are aggressively advertised in blogs and social networks in order to convince capital investors. In addition, “network marketing” is used to attract new investors. The advertising primarily emphasises the promise of quick profitability. In order to start investing, a potential investor first has to create a user account at the online trading platform – like Q SFZR.

Then the perpetrators contact the investor via a call centre and do everything they can to persuade him to invest large sums of money. The investors’ hopeful attitude towards cybertrading is partly strengthened by the idea of future profits. Clients are more willing to invest in the future if they see exactly the kind of results they hope for. At this point, investors are deceived by a manipulated trading algorithm about the true evolution of stock market data and prices.

Q SFZR does not necessarily fall into this category. The wire-pullers use their own unilaterally determined price values when calculating profits. As a result, the service provider has complete control over whether a profit is made or not. Until the alleged profits are paid out, this manipulation will continue. If the investor wishes the payout, the buyers unexpectedly no longer have access to their accounts and the personal client advisors associated with them.

The majority of all investors lose their assets fully invested in such fraudulent trading, forcing them to seek legal advice.

Look for clearly identifiable exit alternatives

Find out when and how much money you will be paid. Optimally, avoid longer-term contracts that cannot be terminated early or where you would experience significant financial losses. Conclude long-term contracts with no early possibility of termination solely with service providers such as Q SFZR, whose reliability you have no doubts about. Even if you have the option to waive or terminate a contract at any time over a fixed period, be suspicious.

Even then, if these points are given, you still remain vulnerable to economic loss. Make sure you know exactly how much capital you will get back if the matter goes wrong. For share transactions, the following rule counts:

Before the end of the contract period, find out what options are available to you to sell shares.

It is often important to find out whether there is a liquid market for products such as those offered by Q SFZR. It is possible to sell share certificates via a broker or a financial institution. All three options are permissible for placing a sell order. The actual selling process is then carried out via a stock exchange (e.g. Berlin, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Tradegate or Xetra) (e.g. for penny stocks).

Order supplements can be used to direct the execution of the order from the outset. The shares will be sold at a time and place determined by you.

Get your investment back from Q SFZR? Contact our lawyers

If you have already invested in Q SFZR and would like to recover your investment, there are several ways to do so.

  1. If the perpetrators were to be arrested, claims by the investors who suffered losses can be asserted in court proceedings. For this purpose, we take our clients through the so-called adhesion procedure. In this way, we can obtain court titles for our clients against the perpetrators. As a rule, these can then be directly enforced against the seized capital of the perpetrators.
  2. If a review by our lawyers would prove that the financial service provider may have acted dishonestly, we file criminal charges with the competent authorities on behalf of our client. The Herfurtner law firm is in constant contact with public prosecutors’ offices that conduct investigations throughout Germany. Often there are hundreds or even thousands of injured parties in these criminal proceedings. The investigations repeatedly extend to other states as well. In the past, the public prosecutor’s offices have had significant success in investigating several cases.
  3. If transactions have been executed abroad, the authorities and banks located abroad can also be notified in this case. As a result, they often initiate their own investigations. This also serves the purpose of securing sums of money in the bank accounts and subsequently returning them to our clients.
  4. In the event that it is guaranteed that no solution to the problem can be found with the provider, it is possible to submit a complaint to the competent financial authority. This authority controls the case and may order the investment service provider to pay compensation. Our client then receives this amount back from the provider. Addresses for complaints can be, for example, financial supervisory authorities and the Financial Ombudsman.
  5. If there is a suspicion that the bank accounts into which our clients have deposited money are part of a money laundering scheme, it is possible to have these bank accounts blocked. Payments to these bank accounts can then be reclaimed from the receiving bank.
  6. Often, a solution can be worked out directly with the service provider. Our lawyers are always able to reach out-of-court settlements with the platforms. Our clients then recover their entire deposit or a share of it.