– The apparent financial company presents itself on its website as a platform for online trading and offers for learning trading.

If you have invested money with the online broker and now have complications with repayment, our lawyers will advise you throughout the German-speaking countries. – Assessing the provider correctly

Currently, there is an extremely high number of providers such as This means that investing in the unpredictable financial markets has never been as easy but also as risky as it is now.

Especially because there are numerous options, choosing a provider can be time-consuming and intimidating. Especially if you want it to match your individual investment preferences. Have you already invested with Then the following points are important for you as an investor.

  • A good address for investors who want to learn about shares, futures, binary options and cryptocurrencies is a website like this one.
  • In online trading, you can use a large number of order types.
  • Licensed online brokers, reputable providers, costs and commissions, product options and customer reviews are just exemplary considerations to plan for when making your final choice.
  • Access to the international stock markets is becoming easier and more affordable for investors through online investing.

The following statements are general advice for investors – regardless of the platform in which you invest capital.

Keep an overview – assess service providers like correctly

Investors have a wide range of investment opportunities at their disposal, with reputable and questionable providers competing for their attention. There are many indications that a service or even a product is not reliable, and it is elementary to have a focus on this.

Here you can find out what details you need to pay attention to as soon as you invest your hard-earned capital. Banking, financial services and insurance companies such as are only allowed to operate in the Federal Republic of Germany with state permission.

Although the providers have obtained a licence, this in no way means that the products sold are of excellent quality. In the event that a prospectus or information sheet approved by BaFin has already been published, shares and investments can equally be made accessible to the general public.

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority alone ensures that the prospectuses are complete, comprehensible and coherent. The prospectus or information sheet of is by no means required in every circumstance.

Before investing money, it is advisable to think about your long-term expectations and clarify whether you have the real means to achieve them. Do not rush the process. Before you put your assets into an investment, take time to review the pros and cons. Do not make a decision immediately, even if you have consulted with others.

Short-term offer at

Do you feel the pressure of a tight deadline? The online broker is baiting you with a special offer, but you are under pressure to make a decision immediately? This is not a good idea at all, because it is usually a ruse. Don’t rush into anything!

Not only can you get excellent offers now, but you can also invest money with in the future. To get to their goal, scammers know exactly what to do. They try to get as much information as they can about the person they are targeting by asking well-timed questions.

They also ask about the circumstances of the interlocutor, for example whether he or she is alone at home or whether he or she has assets at home. Furthermore, they use a “wait and see” method to exhaust the person.

They can keep their counterpart on the phone until he or she agrees to go to the financial institution and hand over money and other valuables to the criminals. In one of these scams, the victim is put under pressure to meet a deadline. With these same tactics, the victim is pressured to disregard his or her own vigilance.

Current support scams use the same method. Since the computer of the contacted person is allegedly attacked by a very complex virus, the callers, who presumably work on behalf of Microsoft or such a financial service provider as, demand in English with an Indian accent the urgent payment of a maintenance contract.

The rip-off artists increase the pressure by threatening the targeted persons that they will be asked to pay if their PC is infected and transmits the infections.

The grey capital market: identifying trustworthy providers

Only a few of the financial market participants, such as, are subject to official regulation and supervision. In the grey capital market, there are investment service providers that do not need the approval of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority and do not have to follow anything more than a few regulatory criteria.

Only invest in the grey capital market if you are certain of the provider’s solvency and know it as a company. As already mentioned, BaFin has no control over these financial service providers. The grey capital market contains a wealth of possibilities. There are:

  • Corporate investments
  • Order bonds
  • Crowdfunding offers
  • Loans with subordination clauses
  • Profit participation rights and other hybrid bond forms
  • Direct investments, such as in timber, precious metals or other commodities

One thing is certain: it is uncertain what the end result will be for the investor. Is it not easy for you to see through what is on offer? Then you should find out as much information as you can before making a decision. Don’t invest in anything you don’t fully understand!

When it comes to investments, the more expertise you need, the more sophisticated the financial instrument. It is also not advisable to concentrate all your money on one offer. Diversify your risk beyond

To avoid being wrongly influenced, it is advisable to always focus on the product itself and not on the name or presentation of the financial service.

Online broker demands taxes and other payments?

Investors are very often wooed by an “online broker” or a call centre employee after they have registered on the alleged trading platform. The intention is to encourage investors to increase their permanent investments in order to maximise profits. This is also a legitimate goal of the online broker

Immediately after the customer has deposited his capital, the first profit developments may be presented on his account. This should motivate the investor to continuously invest in the financial instrument.

However, the operators of the trading platform can use fraud software to simulate false account changes and earnings without the buyer noticing anything.

Make sure that the accounts can be authorised equally at

In practice, there is no trading at all on numerous platforms. Rather, the money paid is transferred by the fraudsters to accounts abroad. This is not noticed by the investors at first. The “online brokers” delay the disbursement of the stated income by demanding payment of allegedly incurred taxes and processing costs from the investors.

The deceptive manoeuvres only serve the purpose of increasing profits. At a certain point, contact breaks off completely. The invested capital is no longer there. From this point on, the only thing left to do is to go to a lawyer to take necessary action.

Compare brokers: How much commission is realistic?

Before investing with, find out how much of your investment sum will be used to cover costs such as fees and commissions. This is a good time to thoroughly examine the information provided by the providers! Investors must be informed of all fees charged and their effect on the profit margin of investment service providers.

In addition, remuneration must be itemised. As soon as you request a detailed overview of any costs, the investment service providers are obliged to provide you with this information. A provider like is normally interested in as many trading transactions as possible for understandable reasons.

Usually the fees are so enormous that it is difficult to make a profit. The fees can even devour the invested capital in a very short time. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the costs! The trading fees of the online broker must be publicly available.

The transparency of the cost structure is also stipulated in the applicable rules and regulations. If there is a violation, the service provider’s licence can be revoked.

Recover deposits from Lawyers help

In case you have already made investments with and now want to reclaim them, there are various methods.

  1. If the operators were to be arrested, claims by the injured parties can be asserted in court proceedings. For this purpose, we take our clients through the so-called adhesion procedure. In this way, we are able to obtain court titles for our clients against the operators of the platform. Often, these can then be immediately enforced against the confiscated capital of the fraudsters.
  2. If an examination by our lawyers proves that the provider may have acted unfairly, we file charges on behalf of our clients with the responsible investigative authorities. Our law firm is in constant dialogue with public prosecutors’ offices, which manage investigation proceedings throughout Germany. In most cases, there are many hundreds or even thousands of injured parties in these criminal proceedings. The investigations repeatedly extend to other EU countries. In the past few years, the public prosecutor’s offices have repeatedly achieved significant successes.
  3. If there is a suspicion that the accounts to which our clients have transferred money are part of a money laundering scheme, these bank accounts can be blocked. Payments into these bank accounts can then be reclaimed from the receiving bank.
  4. If transfers have been made abroad, the financial supervisory authorities and financial institutions based abroad should also be notified. They will then usually initiate their own investigations. This also has the aim of seizing funds in the bank accounts and then returning them to our clients.
  5. If it is not possible to solve the problem with the provider, there is the option of filing a complaint with the competent authority. This authority checks the situation and can order the investment service provider to pay a refund. The client then receives this amount of money back from the service provider. Contact points for complaints can be, for example, financial supervisory authorities or financial ombudsmen.