VIP TRADE – The apparent financial service provider VIP TRADE presents itself as a trading platform on its website… Investments in foreign exchange, commodities, indices, cryptocurrencies and ETFs are possible here.

You have invested with VIP TRADE and would like your capital back? The Herfurtner law firm will help you in case of difficulties.

VIP TRADE – customer-oriented online broker?

Currently, there is an extremely high number of investment service providers such as VIP TRADE. As a result, investing in the volatile financial markets has never been as easy but also as uncertain as it is now.

Precisely because there are many options, choosing a broker can be time-consuming and frustrating. Especially if it is supposed to suit your particular investment plans.

Have you already invested with VIP TRADE? In this case, the following points are relevant for you as an investor.

  • An ideal address for investors who want to inform themselves about securities, futures, binary options and cryptocurrencies is a website like this one.
  • State-regulated online brokers, reputable platforms, fees and brokerage charges, product options and feedback from clients are just exemplary features you should plan for when making your final choice.
  • When trading on the web, you can use a variety of order types.

The following is general advice for investors – regardless of the platform you invest in.

Does VIP TRADE have an official licence? You need to pay attention to this

Both financial markets and investor protection benefit from rules of conduct and organisational responsibilities. Investment services companies and firms like VIP TRADE must comply with a wide range of regulations. The same applies to their employees. This is to avoid conflicts of interest and the associated disadvantages for investors.

This includes the obligation of the company to inform its clients about the most important features of a securities transaction before it is concluded. This applies both to the specific investor and to the investment itself. It is precisely this idea that enhanced information is needed for corporate clients who wish to engage in highly speculative or risky transactions.

Towards their clients, companies like VIP TRADE have a duty of care. This goes far beyond the provision of an offer or service.

Does the service provider have an authorisation to sell investment products? You should definitely clarify this. To do this, you can use the broker check list of a financial supervisory authority and enter the name of the financial service provider in the search function.

Evaluate unrealistic profits and classify providers such as VIP TRADE as safe

Investigate how trustworthy VIP TRADE’s offer is. Is the interest rate you were offered exceptionally high? Can you make a lot of money with just a fewEUR?

These offers are mostly nothing more than an illusion. Be aware that there are always con artists hiding behind these tempting options. As a rule, nothing at all is invested in these investment offers. Therefore, check how trustworthy the offer from VIP TRADE is.

Frauds are often carried out by tricksters in almost the same way. Financial products that are supposed to be profitable are advertised in prominent places on the Internet. The criminals assure that they will receive a lot of funds. At the beginning, the investment amounts are relatively small.

All those who register are contacted by a fictitious online broker or securities trader. The fraud victims then gain access to a supposed investment software after depositing the money.

Dubious special offers can also be recognised by promises of returns that are conspicuously above the market average.

The investor’s risk of losing capital also increases in direct proportion to the expected return with VIP TRADE. One option to find out about the usual market yields is the business sections of newspapers or the website of the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Similarly, you should treat tips for companies with exceptional growth potential with caution. Low prices and minimal trading volumes make penny stocks, for example, extremely susceptible to speculation and manipulation.

Trustworthy investment brokers always fulfil their mandate

Placing orders for transactions in shares without the account holder’s consent can in individual cases lead to a sudden rise in the price of particular shares.

This applies in particular to open market transactions in illiquid foreign shares (over-the-counter trading). Therefore, remain cautious if you are asked to disclose personal data about investing with VIP TRADE entirely without your permission, citing supposedly rewarding trades or profit announcements.

At no time should you disclose your International Bank Account Number, SWIFT code and other bank codes to anyone you do not know. Neither should you disclose your account or deposit numbers and passwords.

Do not hand over custody account documents or securities statements from VIP TRADE to a third party who is a stranger to you. Callers posing as investment advisors, brokers or employees of a financial regulator are also dangerous.

Broker refuses to distribute? Act quickly & contact a lawyer

Customers are repeatedly wooed by an “online broker” or a call centre employee the moment they have registered on the apparent trading platform. The intention is to encourage the investor to increase his or her permanent investments in order to maximise income. This is also an initially legal goal of the provider VIP TRADE.

Shortly after the investor has transferred his money, preliminary profit developments may be presented on his account. This is to encourage the investor to continue investing in the financial product.

The platform operators, on the other hand, can use fraud software to simulate manipulated account movements and profits without the customer noticing.

Check that the accounts can be verified equally at VIP TRADE.

In practice, there is no trading at all on many platforms. Instead, the deposited assets are transferred by the fraudulent online brokers to bank accounts abroad. This is not recognised by the investors at first.

The “brokers” put off the disbursement of the represented funds by demanding that the investors pay the taxes and commission costs that are allegedly incurred. These tricks only serve the purpose of increasing income.

Sooner or later, the contact breaks off completely. The paid-in capital is no longer there. From this point on, the only thing left to do is to go to the lawyer to launch necessary measures.

Recovery Scam? Beware of dubious offers after you have invested

Anyone who has ever lost money through a fraudulent investment platform knows how fatal that can be. That alone is bad enough. But in addition, the criminals behind the bogus model contact you by email or phone in a manageable amount of time.

This time, however, they do not pretend to be online brokers from VIP TRADE. Instead, they promise to help you recover your lost capital in exchange for a payment. Many criminals even appear to have been hired or authorised by trusted organisations such as a financial regulator.

After stealing your sensitive data, the rip-off artists often pose as good Samaritans. They promise to help you recover the stolen money. Even if you have invested money with a provider like VIP TRADE, your data may be stolen.

Anyone who has lost a considerable amount of money is usually desperate. The criminals take advantage of people’s concern by calling themselves service providers for the recovery of funds. They offer their services under the bogus pretext of assisting them to get their money back. That is, they securitise in a dubious manner that they will get back the lost assets.

What to do in case of losses with VIP TRADE?

You should take precautions as soon as possible as soon as the suspicion is confirmed that an investment service provider is not acting conscientiously and there is a risk that the online broker will not make its repayments. Apart from a criminal complaint, which our law firm files with the police on behalf of our clients, and a report to the tax authorities, the service provider should possibly also be held responsible under applicable law.

This involves examining the contractual claims against the provider as well as any compensation options.

In the case of financial transactions, it is also important to check whether banks can be held responsible in the event of an error. Claims for compensation against financial institutions may exist, for example, in the case of money laundering or other criminal activities. However, this must be examined on a case-by-case basis.

If your provider refuses to pay out the money, you should contact a competent law firm immediately:

  1. Give us the names and contact details of anyone you have spoken to
  2. Describe the facts of the case in an email to us
  3. Tell us how long the broker has been refusing to pay you

We will carry out a free initial VIP TRADE assessment for you. We will also let you know in a timely manner whether we believe you have a realistic chance of recovering your losses.